the truth about PMS…
“PMS is not a necessary precursor to your bleed”
- me.
one of my yoga teachers talks about moments it feels like the universe is hitting you over the head - this is a cosmic size realization we’re talking about here. that phrase above, is one of those moments for me in my journey of cycle syncing + awareness. after nearly 2 years of learning, diving deep + connecting to myself that idea finally clicked for me.
often times, my acupuncturist would ask me to consider my relationship to my pre-menstrual pain. i would journal about it, meditate on it + yet still, each time i could see ‘cycle day 24’ or sometimes even ‘cycle day 18’ i would start to feel an immediate onset of my personal pre-menstrual symptoms: pain, aches, join pain, nausea, night sweats, anxiety, skin flare ups, constipation, anger, sadness, irritability, the list goes on! this realization does not mean that any of my symptoms are insignificant or not real: it just means that i learned more about my relationship with for example: pain.
i learned that i do not need pain in order to feel like i will eventually get my bleed. sounds woo-woo i know, but it really speaks to the mind-body connection and it lends itself to this idea that is, sadly, engrained in each and every one of us menstruators from the moment we see that first drop of blood: “oh sorry, that’s just how it is.” can you just see the little person inside you scoff right now and say “wow i get to experience this every four weeks for the next 40 years?” why create this dreadful synonymous relationship of “you have to have pain in order to bleed.”
letting go of pms can open the doors to freedom + help us enjoy our bleed entirely! it is possible!
we are all going to experience some cycles that truly SUCK and we need to start looking at the whole cycle: each phase, to see that maybe we contribute to the pain cycle and once we see that we can also positively change the course of such. below, you can find some tips on how to support various aspects of yourself throughout your cycle.
to support your mood
ask for what you need
give a heads up to your partner or roomies about how you're feeling + why.
you're even allowed to give a heads up at work.
let yourself off the hook, by knowing where you're at and what you need.
try this: "hey, i'm in the phase of my cycle where i don't really feel like myself.
i'm doing what i need to do for me, and i appreciate you supporting me this week with compassion."
move your body
dance, shake it out, do some yoga, go on a walk.
put your marathon training on hold this week; your body will thank you.
put your pen to the paper and just write. see what comes out.
you don't ever have to go back and re-read it.
notice if judgement comes up as you write. get curious.
write a letter to yourself in a different perspective; a love letter to you!
adaptogens like ashwaganda + reishi in your morning cacao,
cbd day + night, or essential oils like magnolia + bergamot will uplift +
support your mood.
to support your skin
keep up with your daily skin care
drink water with sliced cucumber
sip spearmint tea
dry brushing
alternate hot + cold showers
book a facial 1 week before luteal phase
exfoliate 2 times a week
nourish your adrenals
make sure you're pooping
to support your gut
try Natural Calm Magnesium to relieve occasional constipation
sip peppermint tea
sip raspberry leaf tea to prevent cramps
use oils such as digestzen + peppermint on your stomach
get outside in the morning
mindfully meal prep for the week
try seed cycling
remove dairy or gluten and see how you feel
enjoy foods high in magnesium: spinach, dark chocolate, and salmon
practice yin yoga with twists
deep belly breathing