hi i’m kenz. i want to help you love your cycle ~
femm with kenz
as a certified fertility educator, i am committed to helping you chart your biomarkers in order to better understand your hormones, live in sync with your cycle & achieve your unique cycle goals.
work with me
you are off hormonal birth control & looking to conceive within the next 2 years. we can start working together to help you chart your biomarkers & understand your fertile window so that you can achieve pregnancy! partners welcome at sessions!
you are sick of your hormonal birth control ruining your health & ready to learn how to chart your cycle in order to use charting as non-hormonal birth control. perhaps you have never been on HBC, but you still want a way to connect with your cycle & know when you are fertile & how to avoid pregnancy.
Track Your Health
want a way to connect with your hormones & create balance? you can chart without the goal of tta or tta and simply focus on your health! you will learn about the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle as well as the four phases. great for someone looking to support their symptoms as well.

learn about FEMM
discover more about the science behind FEMM: fertility education & medical management and get a glimpse into what charting with a FEMM instructor is like. i highly recommend downloading the APP - it is free & protects your data & privacy.
Trust Your Body
you deserve support in learning to love + connect with your cycle! elevate your life by learning how to trust your body in this five week program. know what your body, mind + spirit needs on any given cycle day. optimize the way you work, your self-care, health, movement + how you fuel your hormones. allow yourself to be seen + supported by a collective of like-minded and openly-spirited humans // COMING FALL 2024
Postpartum Charting Collective
learn how to chart your cycle with FEMM in a group coaching format that will offer you support, community & connection; 3 things all mama’s deserve. this 8 week coaching container will meet every 2 weeks for group coaching calls. you will learn how to chart with FEMM with 4 group calls & one 1:1 call to support you in this sacred time. Must be at least 6-8 weeks PP // COMING NOVEMBER 2024
The Path to Conception
exclusively for anyone trying to conceive within the next 12-24 months. must be 6 months off hormonal birth control to enroll. learn about ovulation, your fertile window, how to transition from tta to ttc, the importance of balanced hormones & a healthy lifestyle and essential self care practices when preparing to conceive. postpartum charting will also be introduced. partners welcomed. // LAUNCHING SOON

branding created by olivia gullotti // photography by migena scotina // www.femmhealth.org