the trust your body program ™ began in 2019 + has been a pillar in supporting women in understanding their hormones, living in sync with the phases of their cycles + living an optimized and EMPOWERED life.
you deserve to trust.
i started sharing this message with others back in 2019 and now TYB is in its NEW + UPDATED season! every time participants walk away from the 6 weeks i hear the same word: EMPOWERED. i want the same for you! you can feel empowered, trust your body & understand your hormones so that you can also inform your next steps in your healing journey.
will you join me?

who is this for?
TYB is a 6 week virtual group program for anyone on the reproductive continuum. whether you just got off hormonal birth control, want to conceive or just want to understand and balance your hormones — this is for you!
focused on your fertility/reproductive goals
fertility is more than just making babies. it’s imperative to be connected to your fertility and hormones regardless if you want children right now or not. learn how to chart your cycle + understand what phase you are in so that you can utilize this as non-hormonal birth control. OR get to know your cycle NOW so that when you are ready to conceive, your body is prepared right alongside you! just want to understand your hormones? great! this is for you, too.
supportive group program
we meet for 4 group calls total. you receive a supportive + resourceful email every week. within the 6 week program, we will meet for one private session ($125 value). whatever your goals are, we will create a holistic plan for your hormones + cycle.
Meet your Instructor
i am a certified fertility educator through FEMM. i am passionate about helping you learn how to feel empowered by the phases of your menstrual cycle…rather than feeling controlled by or disconnected from them. the trust your body program was designed with your unique cycle in mind — rarely is anyone’s cycle always + exactly 28 days. you deserve support in understanding your unique hormones + discovering what foods feel the most nourishing, what self care tools feel most supportive + how you are best cared for in each of your phases. through all of this, you may just learn how to TRUST your body/hormones/emotions even more.
if you are ready to save your spot for the trust your body group program, click the button below! spots are limited
take advantage of the early bird pricing until January 18th, 2025.
the menstrual phase: learn all about the magic of the menstrual phase. ever wonder why you experience so many symptoms during this phase? from the emotions, to the cramps… learn how to feel more connected + in tune with your flow.
the follicular phase: this is your time to set goals and go after them! don’t always feel this way? learn how to support yourself as you transition out of your menstrual phase. understand the hormones present at this time + what your body needs to truly THRIVE.
OVULATION! the main event. understand the physiology of ovulation + why you feel like a superhuman during this phase. learn how to optimize your fertility + work on feeling more connected to yourself and others during this phase.
the luteal phase part i
the luteal phase part ii
celebration group call with special guest coach!
$450 for the 6 week group program. payment plans available: 3 payments of $150.
take advantage of the early bird pricing until 1/18/25 ~ ($405)
we will make a plan as a group before so that the group call happens on a day that works for everyone. if you have to miss a call, try to only miss one. they will be recorded, but you will want to be there live so that you get access to support fo your hormones and cycle.
great! everyone is welcome, please send them the information + have them sign up for a discovery call to see if it is the right program :)
kind words