resolutions for your cycle

Happy New Year!


How nice did it feel to say goodbye to the dumpster fire of 2020? There are many conflicting emotions as we enter into the new year. Does it feel new, fresh, + exciting? If you set resolutions each January - do you feel like you are able to dream as big as you typically do? Are your goals even accessible now given the state of the world? You are not alone if you feel this, I feel it too.

As someone that has always loved to set goals, New Year’s was always exciting to me as a teen. I would journal all night, it seemed, about the most amazing moments of the past year. I would dream up all the good stuff that was to come and set out plans to achieve these dreams-as if this was my only time to do it and it all had to be done in the year. As i have gotten older, i have realized how unrealistic this is. Working at lululemon helped me learn how to set goals that are short term and long term and also how to rally people around me to help me achieve them - or at least have people hold me accountable.

When i felt exhausted from setting goals + not achieving them as quickly as i hoped, i switched to setting monthly intentions. This felt super inspirational and helped me stay in check month to month. Once i got deeper in cycle syncing + awareness, i found the sweet spot of goal setting. Each new cycle - a new opportunity to review the previous cycle + create something better from that data. And the best part, i found, was that it didn’t have to relate to just my cycle. i could plan finances, career + relationship goals too.

With 2020 crushing truly all of our dreams, stealing our travel plans, stopping us from advancing in our love lives the way we dreamed of, keeping us from our families, just straight up locking us indoors… it’s hard to dream ahead and imagine a time when we are past this. I want to believe that there will come a time again when we can set resolutions that involve people, places + events for our New Year. For now, if you feel stuck, take a look at your health - focus on your cycle - how do you want to feel? do you always get headaches around ovulation? maybe experiment this coming cycle with cutting out coffee and alcohol around ovulation (and check out my blog on swapping your coffee for cacao!). you get to change up your goals each cycle, customize it to how you want to feel + reflect at the end of your bleed to see that you have grown over the course of another cycle + the cycle gets to start again…


cycle day one


swapping coffee for cacao